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Dedicated programming and providing software solutions based on web

Active presence of WebNagha in the: Australia, Norway, Iraq, Canada, Dubai and Türkiye

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Customers and Employers

Look At The Latest Web Projects

SafarTick website and application platform project

The Sefartic application has been launched in Iraq and includes booking plane tickets, hotels, rides, etc. This application can be considered a combination of Alibaba and Snap. The ride drivers have their own application that they can see the requests of the passengers and confirm them if they want. This application is designed in two languages (English-Arabic) and its admin panel has many details to manage this application. This project has been launched in Android, iOS, Web versions.

D2 Type health-oriented application

D2Type application has been launched in Canada. By monitoring the condition of diabetic patients, this application provides them with a 52-week smart program that they must record their condition daily, including nutrition, walking, etc., using the capabilities of their mobile phones. Each patient will be assigned a consultant who will monitor the patient's condition and guide him.

This application is available in Android, iOS, and PWA versions.

Raspina web application project

Raspina is a bridge between content producers and their customers; Commercialize your content with Respina and solve all your virtual needs in one place.

You can earn money by selling recorded courses and events, e-books or podcasts, or by hosting events such as online courses, webinars, virtual meetings or selling premium subscriptions. You can also earn money by selling other people's products and by sharing sales links or introducing users and content creators to the platform from their purchases and sales. This application is provided in PWA version.

Bitnal application project

Bitnal application is for buying and managing cryptocurrencies or digital currencies (Crypto Currency). The possibility of recording signals for people who have the necessary expertise in this field is one of the strengths of this application. Also, by choosing the desired signal, users can intelligently entrust the management of their currencies to this application.

This application is available in Android and iOS versions.

Asbabchi application project

Shab Chi is the largest and most reliable modern furniture company in Iran. Due to the large number of orders and the complexities of their detailed management, as well as customer satisfaction, the Shab Chi application should be analyzed and designed by Web Negah Company. In this application, which is specific to the internal team of the mover, all internal processes including managing teams, registering and managing orders, determining the schedule and the dedicated team for each order in a systematic way, recording all the steps performed in mover along with documentation, uploading related images. With the order and presence of the team on site, packages and consumables, accurate invoice calculation, warehouse management and accounting, etc. have been implemented.

This application is available in iOS, PWA versions.

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Areas Of Activity

تمامی حوزه های فعالیت و مواردی که در وب نگاه توسعه داده می شود.


Financial and stock software


Comprehensive enterprise resource planning software


Customer relationship management software


Office and industrial automation


Internet of things

Social Media

Social Media


Business process management software







WebNegah Software Company

شرکت نرم افزاری وب نگاه فعالیت خود را از سال ۱۳۷۸ در زمینه برنامه نویسی و طراحی اپلیکیشن آغاز نمود و در سال ۱۳۸۴، با ارایه سامانه جامع و تحت وب مراکز آموزشی، فعالیت خود را به صورت تخصصی در برنامه نویسی و ارایه‌ی راهکارهای نرم افزاری مبتنی بر وب متمرکز نمود و نام «وب نگاه» را برای خود برگزید.

The best software company

شرکت های نرم افزاری متعددی در سطح کشور مشغول فعالیت هستند که اهداف و جامعه هدفی را برای خود در نظر گرفته اند. خدمات قابل ارایه توسط این شرکت ها قابل تقدیر بوده و هر کدام از این شرکت ها می توانند در نوع خود بی نظیر باشند. شرکت وب نگاه با همکاری نیروهای متخصص و جوان، و با بکارگیری به‌روزترین تکنولوژی ها و زبان های برنامه‌نویسی، تا کنون پروژه‌های متعدد در سطح داخلی و بین المللی با موفقیت انجام داده است و می توان این شرکت را یکی از بهترین شرکت های نرم افزاری در سطح کشور دانست

Tehran software company

Web Negah Company is one of Tehran's software companies that has specialized in specialized programming and mobile application design for more than 25 years. This company, with its experience and consistent and up-to-date knowledge, has succeeded in obtaining the maximum satisfaction of its dear customers during its professional activity. Detailed analysis and review of customer needs, accuracy in implementation, reasonable cost and time management are our most important features in providing customer-oriented services.